Join In with School Music
A Welcome from the Director of Music
The study of Music is essential to developing a young person's identity and to help them make sense of who they are and how they fit into today’s world. Its study will develop critical thinking, the skills of evaluation and refining and the ability to work with others. As a truly Universal Language it can unite us, help us to express our emotions and communicate with others either through our listening choices or by making music with others. Within the Music Department we strive to teach our students how emotions can be expressed, how imagination can be sparked through composition, listening and performing and ultimately to ignite an interest within our young musicians that will inspire a lifelong love of learning which will develop as they go through life beyond these early stages of their journey.
The study of Music at Fortismere is underpinned by the development of key skills which will support our students both academically and emotionally. Our students will learn to analyse the music that they listen to and in doing so become more critical thinkers and active listeners. They learn to recognise principal themes and how music is used as a way to express Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural differences. Through learning how to compose, our students develop their own ideas, begin to express themselves emotionally and use their analysis of key universal themes into practice. These universal themes include a range of genres, styles and traditions, including our great composers and musicians.
At Fortismere, the study of Music in the classroom is further complemented by extra-curricular opportunities which make the most of the opportunities in our local community and the wider world. Students are able to take part in a variety of ensembles both within their own peer groups and as part of cross generational groups such as our Community Choir and Symphony Orchestra. They are also offered the chance to take part in workshops, seminars and concerts throughout the year as well make music within their local, wider and world community.
Matt Watson
Director of Music
Meet the Team
Matt Watson
Director of Music